Guilhem Barruol


Laboratoire GéoSciences Réunion - IPGP

Université de la Réunion

15, Avenue René Cassin, CS92003

97744 Saint Denis messagerie cedex 9 La Réunion

phone: +262 (0)262 93 82 05 fax: +262 (0)262 93 82 66


Sismologie "terre profonde"

Utilisation des ondes de volume téléséismiques (P et S) pour ausculter la structure et la dynamique du manteau supérieur, à travers sa déformation et son fluage, en domaine continental (Chaînes de montagne, rift, héritage structural, point chaud) et océanique (points chauds, rides océaniques):

• Anisotropie et fluage asthénosphérique du manteau sous le sud de la France et la chaîne des Alpes (déphasage des ondes SKS).

• Déformation sous une limite de plaque décrochante (faille de San Andreas).

• Structure de la lithosphère sous la bordure d'un craton (projet ARLITA 2009-2012, Terre Adélie, Antarctique).

• Imagerie et dynamique des points chauds du Pacifique sud: Expérience PLUME 2001-2006 (Polynesian Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Experiment). i) fluage du manteau sous la Polynésie (SKS, Polarisation des ondes P) ii) structure de la zone de transition sous la polynésie, iii) détection d'anisotropie profonde (zone de transition, manteau inférieur).

Imagerie et dynamique du point chaud de La Réunion: Expérience RHUM-RUM 2012-2016 (Réunion Hotspot and Upper Mantle - Réunions Unterer Mantel). Imagerie profonde du point chaud. Structure à grande échelle des rides océaniques lentes. Fluage du manteau associé au panache mantellique. Chenalisation de matériel asthénosphérique entre le point chaud et la ride centrale indienne sous la ride de Rodrigues.


Sismologie "environnementale"


• Etude de la houle via le bruit de fond microsismique - sources de bruit "primaire" et "secondaire" (Polynésie française, Océan Indien, Réunion, Canal du Mozambique).

• Suivi sismologique et hydroacoustique des cyclones par un réseau de stations sismologiques de fond de mer.

• Analyse des signaux hydroacoustiques en fond de mer (sismicité locale et régionale, volcanisme sous-marin, mammifères marins).

• Quantification et suivi des houles australes et cycloniques par des stations sismologiques terrestres.

• Etude de la houle par le signal "infrason" enregistré à La Réunion.


Bruit des navires

• Analyse du bruit des navires par les observations sismologiques et hydroacoustiques de fond de mer.


• Etude de l'activité cryosismique en terre Adélie.

• Microsismicité induite par la marée en bordure du glacier Mertz.

• Suivi microsismique et hydroacoustique du vêlage du glacier Mertz en fev; 2010.

• Détection des tremors glaciaires par les stations hydroacoustiques de l'océan Indien.


            Rivières & érosion

• Etude de la charge solide des rivières en crues.

• Utilisation du bruit microsismique pour quantifier le transport de fond des rivières en crue et du taux d'érosion à la Réunion.


• 2010-2016: Porteur du projet RHUM-RUM Réunion Hotspot Upper Mantle (projet financé ANR & DFG)

• 2010-2012: Porteur de 5 projets sismologie "houle et point chauds" à La Réunion et aux îles Eparses, financés par l'INSU, les TAAF, l'OSU-Réunion, la Région Réunion, l'IPGP.

• 2012: Chef de mission campagne MD192, R/V Marion Dufresne RHUM-RUM, 35 jours, 2 legs, déploiement de 57 OBS + relevés gravi + Bathy + Magnétisme.

• 2013: Co-chef de mission campagne M101, R/V Meteor, 45 jours, 2 legs, récupération de 57 OBS + relevés Bathy + relevés magnétiques.

• 2016: Co-porteur du projet FEDER ReNovRisk  "Cyclones". Utilisation des données simologiques pour quantifier la houle cyclonique. (projet en cours d'évaluation). 

• 1989-1993: Thèse de Doctorat: "Pétrophysique de la croûte inférieure. Rôle de l'anisotropie sismique sur la reflectivité et le déphasage des ondes S".

• 1993/1994: postdoctorat au Carnegie Institution of Washington. Geophysical Laboratory (J. Boyd)- Department of Terrestrial magnetism (P. Silver).

• 1994: Incorporation CR2 au CNRS, laboratoire de Tectonophysique de Montpellier.

• 2001: Habilitation à soutenir des Recherches, Université de Montpellier II.

• 2001-2006: mis à disposition de l'Université de Polynésie Française par le CNRS afin de mener à bien l'expérience sismologique PLUME couvrant la Polynésie française (ACI jeunes chercheurs).

• 2004-2006: Directeur Laboratoire Terre Océan, Université de Polynésie française

• 2004-2006: Directeur de l’Observatoire Géodésique de Tahiti.

• 2006-2010: Chercheur à Géosciences Montpellier, Equipe Manteau Noyau.

• 2010- présent: chercheur à l'IPG Paris, affecté au laboratoire Géoscience Réunion.

• 2014- présent: Directeur du laboratoire Géoscience Réunion.

Disciplines: Petrophysiscs, seismology, geodynamics

60 documents

  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Elisa Rindraharisaona, F Tilmann, X Yuan, G Rümpker, J Giese, et al.. Crustal structure of southern Madagascar from receiver functions and ambient noise correlation: Implications for crustal evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 2017, 112, pp.1-19. <10.1002/2016JB013565><hal-01456782>
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    Martin Pratt, Michael Wysession, Ghassan Aleqabi, Douglas Wiens, Andrew Nyblade, et al.. Shear velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle of Madagascar derived from surface wave tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2017, 458, pp.405-417. <10.1016/j.epsl.2016.10.041><hal-01448651>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    S.C. Stähler,, K Sigloch, K Hosseini, Wayne Crawford, Guilhem Barruol, et al.. Performance report of the RHUM-RUM ocean bottom seismometer network around La Réunion, western Indian Ocean. Advances in Geosciences, European Geosciences Union, 2016, 41, pp.43-63. <10.5194/adgeo-41-43-2016><hal-01304036>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Guilhem Barruol, Céline Davy, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Vera Schlindwein, Karin Sigloch. Monitoring austral and cyclonic swells in the “Iles Eparses” (Mozambique channel) from microseismic noise. Acta Oecologica, Elsevier, 2016, Îles Éparses (French Scattered Islands, SW Indian Ocean) as reference ecosystems for environmental research, 72, <10.1016/j.actao.2015.10.015><hal-01304282>
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    J.-R Scholz, Guilhem Barruol, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Karin Sigloch, Wayne Crawford, et al.. Orienting Ocean-Bottom Seismometers from P-wave and Rayleigh wave polarizations. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2016, 208, pp.1277-1289. <10.1093/gji/ggw426><hal-01393997>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Céline Davy, Guilhem Barruol, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Emmanuel Cordier. Analyses of extreme swell events on La Réunion Island from microseismic noise. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2016, 207 (3), pp.1767-1782. <10.1093/gji/ggw365><hal-01389904>
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    Fabrice R. Fontaine, Guilhem Barruol, Hrvoje Tkalcic, Ingo Wölbern, Georg Rümpker, et al.. Crustal and uppermost mantle structure variation beneath La Réunion hotspot track. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2015, 203 (1), pp.107-126. <10.1093/gji/ggv279><hal-01236131>
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    Céline Davy, Eléonore Stutzmann, Guilhem Barruol, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Martin Schimmel. Sources of secondary microseisms in the Indian Ocean. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2015, 202 (2), pp.1180-1189. <10.1093/gji/ggv221><hal-01236096>
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    Gaëlle Lamarque, Guilhem Barruol, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Jérôme Bascou, René-Pierre Ménot. Crustal and mantle structure beneath the Terre Adélie Craton, East Antarctica: insights from receiver function and seismic anisotropy measurements. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2015, <10.1093/gji/ggu430><hal-01236105>
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    Fabrice R. Fontaine, Geneviève Roult, Laurent Michon, Guilhem Barruol, Andrea Di Muro. The 2007 eruptions and caldera collapse of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island) from tilt analysis at a single very broadband seismic station. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2014, 41 (8), pp.2014GL059691. <><10.1002/2014GL059691><hal-01147428>
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    Céline Davy, Guilhem Barruol, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Karin Sigloch, Eléonore Stutzmann. Tracking major storms from microseismic and hydroacoustic observations on the seafloor. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2014, <10.1002/2014GL062319><hal-01236164>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Karin Sigloch. Investigating La Réunion Hot Spot From Crust to Core. EOS, TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2013, 94 (23), <10.1002/2013eo230002><hal-01236083>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Fabrice R. Fontaine. Mantle flow beneath La Réunion hotspot track from SKS splitting. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2013, pp.108-121. <10.1016/j.epsl.2012.11.017><hal-01236138>
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    Jerôme Bascou, Bernard Henry, René-Pierre Ménot, Minoru Funaki, Guilhem Barruol. Contribution of AMS measurements in understanding the migmatitic terrains of Pointe Géologie, Terre Adélie (East-Antarctica). Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2013, 603, pp.123-135. <10.1016/j.tecto.2013.05.021><hal-01304296>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Emmanuel Cordier, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Jérôme Bascou, Benoit Legrésy, et al.. Tide-induced microseismicity in the Mertz glacier grounding area, East Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2013, <10.1002/2013GL057814><hal-01236143>
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    Mickaël Bonnin, Andréa Tommasi, Riad Hassani, Sébastien Chevrot, James Wookey, et al.. Numerical modelling of the upper-mantle anisotropy beneath a migrating strike-slip plate boundary: the San Andreas Fault system. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2012, <10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05650.x><hal-01236150>
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    G. Bokelmann, E. Maufroy, L. Buontempo, J. Morales, Guilhem Barruol. Testing oceanic subduction and convective removal models for the Gibraltar arc: Seismological constraints from dispersion and anisotropy. Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2011, 502 (1-2), pp.28-37. <10.1016/j.tecto.2010.08.004><hal-00538666>
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    Götz Bokelmann, Emeline Maufroy, Luisa Buontempo, José Morales, Guilhem Barruol. Testing oceanic subduction and convective removal models for the Gibraltar arc: Seismological constraints from dispersion and anisotropy. Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2011, 502, pp.28 - 37. <10.1016/j.tecto.2010.08.004><hal-01388041>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Mickael Bonnin, Helle Pedersen, Götz H.R. Bokelmann, Christel Tiberi. Belt-parallel mantle flow beneath a halted continental collision: The Western Alps. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2011, 302 (3-4), pp.429-438. <10.1016/j.epsl.2010.12.040><hal-00617828>
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    Andreas Wuestefeld, Goetz Bokelmann, Guilhem Barruol. Evidence for ancient lithospheric deformation in the East European Craton based on mantle seismic anisotropy and crustal magnetics. Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2010, 481 (1-4), pp.16-28. <10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.010><hal-00475647>
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    Mickael Bonnin, Guilhem Barruol, Götz H.R. Bokelmann. Upper mantle deformation beneath the North American–Pacific plate boundary in California from SKS splitting. Journal of Geophysical Research, American Geophysical Union, 2010, <10.1029/2009JB006438><hal-01236161>
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    Claudia Adam, Masaki Yoshida, Takehi Isse, Daisuke Suetsugu, Yoshio Fukao, et al.. South Pacific hotspot swells dynamically supported by mantle flows. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2010, <10.1029/2010GL042534><hal-01236157>
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    Fabrice R. Fontaine, Guilhem Barruol, Brian L. N. Kennett, Goetz Bokelmann, Dominique Reymond. Upper mantle anisotropy beneath Australia and Tahiti from P wave polarization: Implications for real-time earthquake location. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 2009, 114, pp.B03306. <10.1029/2008JB005709><hal-00413141>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Fabrice Fontaine, Guilhem Barruol, Brian Kennett, Goetz Bokelmann, Dominique Reymond. Upper mantle anisotropy beneath Australia and Tahiti from P wave polarization: Implications for real-time earthquake location. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 2009, 114 (B3), pp.B03306. <10.1029/2008JB005709><hal-01389113>
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    Andreas Wüstefeld, Götz Bokelmann, Guilhem Barruol, Jean-Paul Montagner. Identifying global seismic anisotropy patterns by correlating shear-wave splitting and surface wave data. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier, 2009, 176 (3-4), pp.198. <10.1016/j.pepi.2009.05.006><hal-00573464>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Andreas Wuestefeld, Goetz Bokelmann, Guilhem Barruol, Jean-Paul Montagner. Identifying global seismic anisotropy patterns by correlating shear-wave splitting and surface-wave data. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier, 2009, 176 (3-4), pp.198-212. <10.1016/j.pepi.2009.05.006><hal-00429396>
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    S. Tanaka, M. Obayashi, D. Suetsugu, H. Shiobara, H. Sugioka, et al.. P-wave tomography of the mantle beneath the South Pacific Superswell revealed by joint ocean floor and islands broadband seismic experiments. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier, 2009, 172 (3-4), pp.268-277. <10.1016/j.pepi.2008.10.016><hal-00413036>
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    D. Suetsugu, T. Isse, S. Tanaka, M. Obayashi, H. Shiobara, et al.. South Pacific mantle plumes imaged by seismic observation on islands and seafloor. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, AGU and the Geochemical Society, 2009, 10 (11), pp.Q11014. <10.1029/2009GC002533><hal-00443845>
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    S. Tanaka, D Suetsugu, H Shiobara, H Sugioka, T Kanazawa, et al.. On the vertical extent of the large low shear velocity province beneath the South Pacific Superswell. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2009, 36 (7), pp.L07305. <10.1029/2009GL037568><hal-01389114>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Guilhem Barruol, D. Suetsugu, H. Shiobara, H. Sugioka, S. Tanaka, et al.. Mapping upper mantle flow beneath French Polynesia from broadband ocean bottom seismic observations. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2009, 36 (14), pp.L14301. <10.1029/2009GL038139><hal-00420907>
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    S. Tanaka, D. Suetsugu, H. Shiobara, H. Sugioka, T. Kanazawa, et al.. On the vertical extent of the large low shear velocity province beneath the South Pacific Superswell. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2009, 36 (7), pp.L07305. <10.1029/2009GL037568><hal-00413039>
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    A. Wüstefeld, Goetz Bokelmann, C. Zaroli, Guilhem Barruol. SplitLab: A shear-wave splitting environment in Matlab. Computers and Geosciences, Elsevier, 2008, 34 (5), pp.515-528. <10.1016/j.cageo.2007.08.002><hal-00412372>
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    L. Buontempo, Goetz Bokelmann, Guilhem Barruol, J. Morales. Seismic anisotropy beneath southern Iberia from SKS splitting. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2008, 273 (3-4), pp.237-250. <10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.024><hal-00412175>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Anne Deschamps, Jacques Déverchère, Valentina V. Mordvinova, Ulziibat Munkhuu, et al.. Upper mantle flow beneath and around the Hangay Dome, central Mongolia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2008, 274 (1-2), pp.221-233. <10.1016/j.epsl.2008.07.027><hal-00407853>
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    Jerôme Bascou, G. Delpech, A. Vauchez, B.N. Moine, Jean-Yves Cottin, et al.. An integrated study of microstructural, geochemical, and seismic properties of the lithospheric mantle above the Kerguelen plume (Indian Ocean). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, AGU and the Geochemical Society, 2008, 9 (Q04039), pp.1-26. <10.1029/2007GC001879><hal-00366222>
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    Fabrice R. Fontaine, Guilhem Barruol, Andréa Tommasi, Götz Bokelmann. Upper-mantle flow beneath French Polynesia from shear wave splitting. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2007, 170 (3), pp.1262 - 1288. <10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03475.x><hal-01389111>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Fabrice R. Fontaine, Guilhem Barruol, Andréa Tommasi, Götz H.R. Bokelmann. Upper-mantle flow beneath French Polynesia from shear wave splitting. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2007, 170, <10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03475.x><hal-01249275>
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    Alessia Maggi, Eric Debayle, Keith Priestley, Guilhem Barruol. Azimuthal anisotropy of the Pacific Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2006, 250 (1-2), pp.53-71. <10.1016/j.epsl.2006.07.010><hal-00105942>
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    Francesco Lucente, Lucia Margheriti, Claudia Piromallo, Guilhem Barruol. Seismic anisotropy reveals the long route of the slab through the western-central Mediterranean mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2006, 241 (3-4), pp.517 - 529. <10.1016/j.epsl.2005.10.041><hal-01389115>
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    Alessia Maggi, Eric Debayle, Keith Priestley, Guilhem Barruol. Multi-mode surface waveform tomography of the Pacific Ocean: A closer look at lithospheric cooling. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2006, 166 (3), pp.1384-1397. <10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03037.x><hal-00105949>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Guilhem Barruol, Dominique Reymond, Fabrice Fontaine, Olivier Hyvernaud, Vincent Maurer, et al.. Characterizing swells in the southern Pacific from seismic and infrasonic noise analyses. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2006, 164, pp.516-542. <10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02871.x><hal-01388809>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Guilhem Barruol, Dominique Reymond, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Olivier Hyvernaud, Vincent Maurer, et al.. Characterizing swells in the southern Pacific from seismic and infrasonic noise analyses. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2006, 164, pp.516-542. <10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02871.x><hal-01323691>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Anne Deschamps, Olivier Coutant. Mapping upper mantle anisotropy beneath SE France by SKS splitting indicates Neogene asthenospheric flow induced by Apenninic slab roll-back and deflected by the deep Alpine roots.. Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2004, 394 (1-2), pp.125-138. <10.1016/j.tecto.2004.08.002><hal-00109313>
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    Maggy Heintz, Alain Vauchez, Marcelo Assumpçao, Guilhem Barruol, Marcos Egydio-Silva. Shear wave splitting in SE Brazil: an effect of active or fossil upper mantle flow, or both?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2003, 211 (1-2), pp.79-95. <10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00163-8><hal-01389116>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Michel Granet. A Tertiary asthenospheric flow beneath the southern French Massif Central related to the west Mediterranean extension evidenced by upper mantle seismic anisotropy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2002, 202 (1), pp.31-47. <10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00752-5><insu-00150214>
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    Jérôme Bascou, Guilhem Barruol, Alain Vauchez, David Mainprice, Marcos Egydio-Silva. EBSD-measured lattice-preferred orientations and seismic properties of eclogites. Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2001, 342, pp.61 - 80. <10.1016/S0040-1951(01)00156-1><hal-01389715>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Walid Ben Ismail. Upper mantle anisotropy beneath the African IRIS and Geoscope stations. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2001, 146 (2), pp.549-561. <10.1046/j.0956-540x.2001.01481.x><hal-01380389>
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    W Ben-Ismail, Guilhem Barruol, D Mainprice. The Kaapvaal craton seismic anisotropy: Petrophysical analyses of upper mantle kimberlite nodules. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2001, 28 (13), pp.2497 - 2500. <10.1029/2000GL012419><hal-01389119>
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    A. Vauchez, Guilhem Barruol, Adolphe Nicolas. Comment on “SKS splitting beneath continental rifts zones” by Gao et al.. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 1999, 104 (B5), pp.10787-10789. <10.1029/1999JB900053><hal-01389720>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Ruth Hoffmann. Upper mantle anisotropy beneath the Geoscope stations. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 1999, 104 (B5), pp.10757 - 10773. <10.1029/1999JB900033><hal-01388830>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Annie Souriau, Alain Vauchez, Jordi Diaz, Josep Gallart, et al.. Lithospheric anisotropy beneath the Pyrenees from shear wave splitting. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 1998, 103 (B12), pp.30039 - 30053. <10.1029/98JB02790><hal-01388841>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Alain Vauchez, Andrea Tommasi, Guilhem Barruol. Rheological heterogeneity, mechanical anisotropy and deformation of the continental lithosphere. Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 1998, 296, pp.61 - 86. <10.1016/S0040-1951(98)00137-1><hal-01389719>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Paul Silver, A. Vauchez. Seismic anisotropy in the eastern United States: Deep structure of a complex continental plate. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 1997, 102 (B4), pp.8329-8348. <10.1029/96JB03800><hal-01388859>
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    A Vauchez, Guilhem Barruol, Andrea Tommasi. Why do continents break-up parallel to ancient orogenic belts?. Terra Nova, Wiley-Blackwell, 1997, 9, pp.62 - 66. <10.1111/j.1365-3121.1997.tb00003.x><hal-01389721>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Hartmut Kern. Seismic anisotropy and shear-wave splitting in lower-crustal and upper-mantle rocks from the Ivrea Zone : experimental and calculated data. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier, 1996, 95, pp.175 - 194. <10.1016/0031-9201(95)03124-3><hal-01389712>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    A Vauchez, Guilhem Barruol. Seismic anisotropy, structures and geodynamics of continents Shear-wave splitting in the Appalachians and the Pyrenees: importance of the inherited tectonic fabric of the lithosphere. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier, 1996, 95 (3-4), pp.127-138. <10.1016/0031-9201(95)03125-1><hal-01389717>
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    Guilhem Barruol, Annie Souriau. Anisotropy beneath the Pyrenees Range from teleseismic shear wave splitting: Results from a test experiment. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 1995, 22 (4), pp.493-496. <10.1029/94GL03225><hal-01389118>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Guilhem Barruol, David Mainprice. A quantitative evaluation of the contribution of crustal rocks to the shear-wave splitting of teleseismic SKS waves. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier, 1993, 78, pp.281 - 300. <10.1016/0031-9201(93)90161-2><hal-01389713>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Guilhem Barruol, David Mainprice. 3-D seismic velocities calculated from lattice-preferred orientation and reflectivity of a lower crustal section: examples of the Val Sesia section (Ivrea zone, northern Italy). Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 1993, 115 (3), pp.1169-1188. <10.1111/j.1365-246X.1993.tb01519.x><hal-01389122>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Guilhem Barruol, David Mainprice, Hartmut Kern, Michel De Saint Blanquat, Patrick Compte. 3D seismic study of a ductile shear zone from laboratory and petrofabric data (Saint Barthélémy Massif, Northern Pyrenees, France). Terra Nova, Wiley-Blackwell, 1992, 4, pp.63 - 76. <10.1111/j.1365-3121.1992.tb00451.x><hal-01389722>

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    D Mainprice, Guilhem Barruol, Walid Ben Ismaïl. The Seismic anisotropy of the Earth's mantle: From single crystal to polycrystal. Shun-Ichiro Karato; Alessandro Forte; Robert Liebermann; Guy Masters; Lars Stixrude. Earth's Deep Interior: Mineral Physics and Tomography From the Atomic Scale to the Global Scale, 117, American Geophysical Union, pp.237 - 264, 2000, Geophysical Monograph Series, 9780875909752. <10.1029/GM117p0237><><hal-01391524>
  • (nouvelle fenêtre)">
    Paul Silver, David Mainprice, Walid Ismaïl, Andréa Tommasi, Guilhem Barruol. Mantle structural geology from seismic anisotropy. The Geochemical Society. Mantle Petrology: Field Observations and high Pressure experimentations: a Tribute to Francis R. (Joe) Boyd, 6, 1999. <hal-01391514>

Oral communications

  1. Barruol, G. et Souriau, A., 1994. Anisotropy beneath the Pyrenees inferred from teleseismic shear wave splitting. EGS, Grenoble, France, juin 1994.

  2. Barruol, G. et Souriau, A., 1994. Anisotropy beneath the Pyrenees inferred from teleseismic shear wave splitting: results from a test experiment. Dynamics of the subcontinental mantle :from seismic anisotropy to mountain building, Montpellier, France, 7-9 juin 1994.

  3. Barruol, G. et Kern, H.,. Petrophysical constraints of the shear wave splitting in the lithosphere. EGS, Hamburg, Germany, 3-7 avril 1995.

  4. Vauchez, A. et Barruol, G., Why continents split parallel to ancient orogenic belts? EUG, Strasbourg, France, 1995

  5. Barruol, G., Silver, P.G., Vauchez, A., Shear wave splitting of teleseismic waves in the eastern US. IUGG, Boulder, CO, Juillet 1995.

  6. Barruol, G., Vauchez, A., Souriau, A., Gallart, J., Diaz, J., Large-scale variations of the anisotropy along the Pyrenees collision range, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, Ca, Décembre 1995.

  7. Barruol, G., 1996. Scanning upper mantle anisotropy from shear wave splitting : review and perspectives. Geodynamics of the lithosphere and Earth's mantle, Trest, Czech Republik, july 8-13.

  8. Barruol, G., Vauchez, A., Souriau, A., Gallart, J. et Diaz, J., 1996. Seismic anisotropy in the eastern Pyrenees. Geodynamics of the lithosphere and Earth's mantle, Trest, Czech Republik, july 8-13.

  9. Ben Ismail, W., Barruol, G. et Vauchez, A., 1996. Upper mantle anisotropy of the Kaapval craton (South Africa) from petrofabric analysis: preliminary results. Geodynamics of the lithosphere and Earth's mantle, Trest, Czech Republik, july 8-13.

  10. Barruol, G., Silver, P. et Vauchez, A., 1997, Seismic anisotropy in the eastern US; is the plate 200, 400 or 670 km thick? EUG IX, Strasbourg, France.

  11. Barruol, G., Souriau, A., Vauchez, A., Diaz, J., Gallart, J., Tubia, J. et Cuevas, J., 1997. Mantle structure beneath the Pyrenees from SKS splitting. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, Ca.

  12. Mainprice, D., Ben Ismail, W., Barruol, G. et Vauchez, A., 1997. Mantle root anisotropy of the Kaapval craton (South Africa) from lattice preferred orientation analysis. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, Ca.

  13. Ben Ismail, W., Mainprice, D., Barruol, G., Boyd, J. et Vauchez, A., 1998. Lithospheric mantle anisotropy of the Kaapval craton (South Africa) from lattice preferred orientation. 7th kimberlite conference, Cape Town, South Africa.

  14. Ben Ismail, W., Mainprice, D., Barruol, G., Boyd, J. et Vauchez, A., 1998. South African Upper Mantle Anisotropy Structure from Petrofabric Analysis. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA.

  15. Barruol, G., Ben Ismail, W., Mainprice, D., Seismic anisotropy in cratonic roots: insights from south African kimberlite nodules. Réunion de la Royal Astronomical Society: Archean crust and mantle: from mantle dynamics to conditions for early life, London, UK, 10-11 février 2000. 

  16. Barruol, G., Scanning upper mantle flow through seismic anisotropy. Geoscience 2000, Manchester, UK, 17-20 avril 2000. 

  17. Barruol, G., Granet, M., Dorel, J. Upper mantle anisotropy beneath the southern Massif Central (France). EGS, NICE, 25-29 avril 2000.

  18. Granet, M., Barruol, G., Achauer, U., Dorel, J. tracking the mantle plume in the southern Massif Central. EGS, NICE, 25-29 avril 2000.

  19. Mainprice, D., Barruol, G., Ben Ismail. The seismic anisotropy of the earth's mantle: from single crystal to polycrystal. EGS, NICE, 25-29 avril 2000.

  20. Heintz, M., Vauchez, A., Assumpçao, M., Egydio da Silva, M., Barruol, G., Tommasi, A.. Seismic anisotropy and mantle tectonics arouind the southern termination of the Sao Francisco craton, SE Brasil. EGS, NICE, 25-29 avril 2000.

  21.  Barruol, G., Granet, M., Achauer, U. et Dorel, J., Seismic Tomography and Anisotropy of the Upper Mantle beneath the Southern Massif Central, EUG, Strasbourg, 2001.

  22. Barruol, G., Upper mantle structure, mantle flow and seismic anisotropy. Lherzolite conference 2002, Samani, Japan, august 2002. 

  23. Barruol G., Legendre, C., Masson, F., Vergne, J., Fontaine, F. & Bokelmann, G. H. R., 2004. The transition zone beneath the south Pacific superswell from receiver function analyses, Eos. Trans. AGU, 85, (47), Fall Meeting Suppl., Abstract T41G-06.

  24. Reymond D., Barruol, G., Fontaine, F., Hyvemaud, O., Maurer, V. & Maamaatuaiahutapu, K., 2004. Swell activity in the southern Pacific from seismic and infrasonic data, Eos. Trans. AGU, 85, (47), Fall Meeting suppl., Abstract S11C-05.

  25. Maggi, A, Tromp, J, Debayle, E, Barruol, GMulti-Mode Surface-Waveform Tomography of the Pacific Region: Model Validation and the Lithospheric Cooling Signature, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51E-1052, 2005.

  26. D. Reymond, G. Barruol, O. Hyvernaud, F.R. Fontaine, Observations géophysiques en Polynésie, Point d'étape de la recherche française dans le Pacifique, Tahiti, octobre 2006.

  27. T. Isse, D. Suetsugu H. Shiobara H. Sugioka, K. Yoshizawa, T. Kanazawa, Y. Fukao, and G. Barruol, Three-dimensional shear wave speed structure beneath the South Pacific superswell, IUGG, Peruggia, Italy, 2007.

  28. Bokelman, G., Barruol, G., Buontempo, L., Morales, J. The mantle under Betics and Gibraltar arc from seismic anisotropy and body-wave dispersion, MAPGILP meeting, Marrakech, 2007.

  29. Tanaka, S., D Suetsugu, H Shiobara, H Sugioka, T Kanazawa, Y Fukao, G Barruol, D Reymond, S wave velocity structure beneath the South Pacific Superswell derived from passive seismic experiments, Eos Trans. AGU 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI12A-O7, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2008) 

  30. Bokelmann, G.H.; E. Maufroy; L. Buontempo; J. Morales; G. Barruol. Subduction or Delamination Under the Gibraltar Arc: Seismological Constraints from Dispersion and Anisotropy. Eos, Vol. 90, Number 52, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI52A-02., AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2009) .

  31. M. Granet, U. Achauer, and G. BarruolSeismic tomography of the Massif Central - The plume story revisited, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 12, EGU2010-5063, EGU General Assembly, 2010. 

  32. G. Barruol, M. Bonnin, H. Pedersen, G. Bokelmann, C. Tiberi, Toroidal asthenospheric flow beneath the western Alps from seismic anisotropy, European Seismological commission, Montpellier, 2010. 

  33. Bascou, J., Barruol, G., Ménot, R.P., Henry, B., Rolland, Y. and Duclaux, G., 2011. Le programme ArLiTA: une fenêtre sur l’architecture profonde de la Terre Adélie, 7ièmes journées du CNFRA, Paris.

  34. Bascou, J., Barruol, G., Ménot, R.P., Henry, B., Rolland, Y. and Duclaux, G., 2011. The ArLiTA project (IPEV): How to get a view of the lithosphere structures beneath the Terre Adélie Craton (East Antarctica), 11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Edinburgh, UK.

  35. Henry, B., Bascou, J., Ménot, R.P., Funaki, M. and Barruol, G., 2011. Magnetic fabric of anatexites from terre adelie craton (east antarctica): effect of the progressive melting, LATINMAG meeting, Tandil, Argentina.

  36. Barruol, G. and F.R. Fontaine, Upper Mantle flow beneath La Réunion hotspot track from SKS splitting, Workshop INTERRIDGE, Ridge and Hotspots around the Mascarene Islands, 3-­‐7 Sept 2012, Mauritius.

  37. Barruol, G., K. Sigloch and the RHUM-RUM group: The RHUM-RUM project: passive seismic imaging of a mantle plume beneath La Réunion, Ridge and Hotspots around the Mascarene Islands, 3-­‐7 Sept 2012, Mauritius.

  38. Bonnin, M., Tommasi, A., Hassani, R., Chevrot, S., Wookey, J. and Barruol, G., Numerical modelling of the upper mantle anisotropy beneath a migrating strike-slip plate boundary: the San Andreas Fault system, Vol 15, EGU2013-4968, EGU general Assembly, Vienna (2013). 

  39. Barruol, G., Cordier, E., Bascou, J., Fontaine, F.R., Legrésy, B. and Lescarmontier, L., 2013, Micro-sismicité induite par la marée dans la région du glacier Mertz, Terre Adélie, Est-Antarctique, Journées REFMAR, Paris, Juin 2013. 

  40. Stutzmann, E., Barruol, G. RHUM-RUM: observations sismologiques à terre et en mer pour imager le manteau sous le point chaud de La Réunion, colloque RESIF, Yenne, 2013. 

  41. Lamarque, G., G. Barruol, Fabrice Fontaine, Jérôme Bascou, Jean-Yves Cottin, and René-Pierre Ménot. Deep structure of the east Terre Adélie Craton boundary (East Antarctica): Seismic investigation of the Mertz shear zone area. abstract EGU2014-11603 EGU general assembly, Vienna, 2014. 

  42. Barruol, G. Observatoire en Géosciences: du manteau à la houle, sismologie- GEOSISM. Colloque du programme inter-organismes Iles Eparses, Paris, Avril 2014. 

  43. Barruol, G., Davy, C., Fontaine, F.R., Stutzmann, E., Sources of Secondary Microseisms in the Indian Ocean, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2014. 

  44. Sigloch, K., Barruol, G.RHUM-RUM, a Large-Scale Effort to Seismologically Image a Mantle Plume Under the Reunion Hotspot: Experiment Presentation and Initial Results, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2014. 

  45. Snelling, B., Karin Sigloch, Guilhem Barruol, Valérie Ferrazzini, Comparing hydroacoustic and T-phases from terrestrial and ocean-bottom recordings around La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean, EGU2016-6111, EGU Vienna 2016.

  46. Stähler, S.C., K. Sigloch, K. Hosseini, G. Barruol, W. Crawford, M. Schmidt-Aursch, M. Tsekhmistrenko, A. Mazzullo, J.-R. Scholz, Noise on broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) from the German (DEPAS) and French (INSU) instruments pools as recorded in the RHUM-RUM project, EGU2016-4060, EGU Vienna 2016.

  47. Scholz, J.-R., G. Barruol, F.R. Fontaine ; Determining OBS orientations on the ocean floor from P and Rayleigh-waves polarization. RHUM-RUM Workshop, Bourg Murat, La Réunion, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016. 

  48. Fontaine, F.R., J.R. Scholz, G. Barruol, G. Rümpker, I. Wölbern ; Lithosphere structure around La Réunion hotspot from receiver functions at few RHUM-RUM OBS stations. Preliminary results. RHUM-RUM Workshop, Bourg Murat, La Réunion, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016.

  49. Scholz, J.-R., G. Barruol, F.R. Fontaine ; Anisotropy pattern in the Western Indian Ocean from SKS-splitting measurement. RHUM-RUM Workshop, Bourg Murat, La Réunion, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016. 

  50. Tsekhmistrenko, M., K. Sigloch, K. Hosseini, G. Barruol ; Towards finite frequency tomography of mantle structure beneath the La Reunion hot spot. RHUM-RUM Workshop, Bourg Murat, La Réunion, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016.

  51. Barruol, G., Céline Davy, Fabrice Fontaine, Eléonore Stutzmann, Karin Sigloch ; Microseismic noise swell signature from the RHUM-RUM data. RHUM-RUM Workshop, Bourg Murat, La Réunion, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016. 

  52. Snelling, B., Karin Sigloch, Guilhem Barruol, and Valérie Ferrazzini ; Comparing hydroacoustic and T-phases from terrestrial and ocean-bottom recordings around La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean. RHUM-RUM Workshop, Bourg Murat, La Réunion, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016. 

  53. Geay, B., Alexandre Bouillon, Richard Dreo, Guilhem Barruol, Fabrice Fontaine, Karin Sigloch and John Scholz ; Ship noise in the RHUM-RUM data. RHUM-RUM Workshop, Bourg Murat, La Réunion, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016. 

  54. Wenner, M., Guilhem Barruol, Heiner Igel and Joachim Wassermann ; Whale Detections from RHUM-RUM Ocean Bottom Seismic Observations. RHUM-RUM Workshop, Bourg Murat, La Réunion, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016.

  55. Gonzalez, A., Fabrice R. Fontaine, Arnaud Burtin, Guilhem Barruol, Alain Recking, Jean−Lambert Join, Eric Delcher, Monitoring sediment transport during cyclones from seismic noise in two rivers of La Réunion Island RHUM-RUM Workshop, Bourg Murat, La Réunion, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016.

  56. Davy Céline, Guilhem Barruol , Fabrice R. Fontaine , Emmanuel Cordier, John−Robert Scholz, (2016) ; Microseismic Signatures of Cylonic and Austral Swells on La Réunion Island, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 11-16,

  57. Scholz John−Robert, Guilhem Barruol, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Jean−Paul Montagner, Eleonore Stutzmann, Karin Sigloch, Alessandro Mazzullo, (2016) ; Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy in the Southwest Indian Ocean from SKS−splitting measurements: Plate, Plume and Ridges signatures, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 11-16, S33F-06

Posters :

  1. Barruol, G., Silver, P.G., Vauchez, A. et Souriau, A., 1994. Seismic anisotropy in orogenic areas: case of the Pyrenees and the Appalachians. AGU Spring meeting, Baltimore, USA, 23-27 mai 1994.

  2. Barruol, G., Vauchez, A., Souriau, A., Gallart, J., Diaz, J., Anisotropy beneath the eastern Pyrenees, EGS, La Haye, mai 1996.

  3. Barruol, G. et Russo, R., Anisotropy beneath the IRIS stations, AGU spring meeting, Baltimore, mai 1996.

  4. Barruol, G. et Russo, R., 1996. Shear wave splitting at IRIS GSN stations. Geodynamics of the lithosphere and Earth's mantle, Trest, Czech Republik, july 8-13.

  5. Barruol, G. et Hoffmann, R., 1997. Seismic anisotropy beneath the GEOSCOPE stations. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, Ca.

  6. Vauchez, A., Tommasi, A. et Barruol, G., 1997. Rheological heterogeneity and mechanical anisotropy of the continental lithosphere. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, Ca.x

  7. Ben Ismail, W. et Barruol, G., 1997. Upper mantle structure of the African plate from SKS splitting. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, Ca.

  8. Mainprice, D., Barruol, G., Ben Ismail, W. et Lloyd, G., 1998. Automatic crystal orientation mapping of kimberlite nodules using electron back scattered diffraction in the scanning electron microscope. 7th kimberlite conference, Cape Town, South Africa.

  9. Maumus, J., Barruol, G. et Vauchez, A., 1998. Influence of crystallographic fabrics and partial-met on shear wave splitting in rift areas. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA.

  10. Barruol, G., 1998. Anisotropy in the Tonga and New Hebrides Subduction Zones Recorded by Source-Side S Wave Splitting. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA.

  11. Ben Ismail, W. , D. Mainprice, G. Barruol, J. Boyd, A.Vauchez. Upper mantle anisotropy of the Kaapvaal craton (South Africa) from petrofabric analysis, EGS, 1999.

  12. Bascou, J., A. Vauchez and G. Barruol. Seismic properties of the alpe Arami eclogite from minerals Lattice Preferred Orientation. European Geophysical Society congress. The Hague, Netherlands, 1999.

  13. Bascou, J., Barruol, G. et Vauchez, A., Détermination des propriétés sismiques des roches de haute pression à partir des orientations préférentielles de réseau de l'omphacite. RST, Paris, 17-20 avril 2000.

  14. Bascou, J., A. Vauchez, G. Barruol and M. Egydio-Silva. Seismic properties of eclogites from mineral lattice preferred orientations. 31st international geological congress. Rio de janeiro, Brazil, 2000.

  15. Barruol, G., M. Duclos, J. Wookey, and M. Kendall, Deep anisotropy beneath the western Pacific and Australia recorded by source-side S wave splitting, in EUG, edited by E. XI, pp. 487, Strasbourg, 2001.

  16. Barruol, G., M. Granet, U. Achauer, and J. Dorel, Seismic Tomography and Anisotropy of the Upper Mantle beneath the Southern Massif Central, in EUG, edited by E. XI, pp. 485, Strasbourg, 2001.

  17. Barruol, G., A. Tommasi, D. Bosch, V. Clouard, E. Debayle, M. P. Doin, M. Godard, and C. Thoraval, POLYNESIA 2001: Structure and dynamics of the upper mantle beneath French Polynesia. 7eme Workshop 'Numerical modelling on mantle convestion and lithospheric dynamics', Aussois, 2001. 

  18. Barruol, G., Duclos, M., Lower Mantle Seismic Anisotropy recorded by Direct S-Waves From South-West Pacific and Indian Subduction Zones, AGU, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Wellington, 2002. 

  19. F. Fontaine, G. Barruol, D. Reymond, E. Debayle, A. Tommasi, Seismic Anisotropy of the French Polynesian Upper Mantle: PLUME Preliminary Results, AGU Fall Meeting, San francisco, 2002

  20. G. Barruol, E. Debayle, F. Fontaine, D. Reymond, A. Tommasi, PLUME: the French Polynesian Upper Mantle Under Study, AGU Fall Meeting, San francisco, 2002.

  21. Fontaine, F.; Barruol, G.; Reymond, D.; Debayle, E.; Tommasi, A. Seismic evidence of the upper mantle anisotropy beneath French Polynesia : PLUME preliminary results, AGU-EGS, Nice, 2003

  22. Maggi, A.; Debayle, E.; Priestley, K.; Barruol, G.; Fontaine, F.; Reymond, D. Surface waveform tomography of the upper mantle under the south Pacific super-swell from analysis of "PLUME" broad-band data, AGU-EGS, Nice, 2003.

  23. Maggi, A.; Debayle, E.; Priestley, K.; Barruol, G.; Fontaine, F.; Reymond, D.,  The Upper Mantle Under the South Pacific Super-Swell from Multimode Surface Waveform Tomography, Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21F-03, 2003.

  24. Maggi, A.; Debayle, E.; Priestley, K.; Barruol, G.; Fontaine, F.; Reymond, D., Multimode surface waveform tomography of the upper mantle under the south Pacific superswell, IUGG, Sapporo (Japan), 2003. 

  25. Margheriti, L., Lucente, F.P., Barruol, G., Piromallo, C., The traces of the Tyrrhenian slab trough the Western Mediterranean mantle, EURESCO ocnference: The Deep Earth: Theory, Experiment and Observation, Maratea (Italy), 2003. 

  26. G. Barruol, D. Reymond, F. Fontaine, O. Hyvernaud, V. Maurer and K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, Swell characterization in the southern Pacific from seismic and infrasonic data, AGU West Pacific meeting, Honolulu, 2004.

  27. F. Fontaine, G. Barruol, D. Reymond, Fluage du manteau sous la Polynésie française: premiers résultats de l'expérience PLUME, Assises de la Recherche française dans le Pacifique, Nouméa, 2004. 

  28. G. Barruol, D. Reymond, F. Fontaine, O. Hyvernaud, V. Maurer and K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, Quantification de la houle dans le Pacifique Sud à partir de données sismologiques et infrasoniques, Assises de la Recherche française dans le Pacifique, Nouméa, 2004.

  29. Wuestefeld, A, Bokelmann, G H, Zaroli, C, Barruol, GShear Wave Splitting on the East European Platform, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T13A-0447, 2005. 

  30. Barruol, G, Fontaine, F R, Tommasi, A , Bokelmann, G, Seismic Anisotropy Beneath French Polynesia from Shear-Wave-SplittingEos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V13B-0684, 2006.

  31. Fontaine, F R, Barruol, G , Kennett, B L, Bokelmann, G H, Reymond, D, Earthquake Location and Upper Mantle Structure From P Wave Polarization in French Polynesia and Australia: Preliminary Results , Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S53A-1296, 2006.

  32. G. Barruol, A. Deschamps, J. Deverchère, V.V. Mordvinova, M. Ulziibat, J. Perrot, A.A. Artem'ev, T. Dugarmaa, G.H.R. Bokelmann, Upper mantle flow beneath the Hangay dome, central Mongolia, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T23A-1201, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2007) .

  33. Adam, C,  Yoshida, M,  Isse, T,  Suetsugu, D, Shiobara, H,  Sugioka, H, Kanazawa, T, Fukao, Y, Barruol, GFrench Polynesia Hotspot Swells Explained By Dynamic Topography, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T21B-0599, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2007) .

  34. Foundotos, M., Bokelmann, G., Barruol, G. and Gaffet, S., Receiver Functions Under Provence, France : resolution ability of LSBB seismic network, Eos Trans. AGU 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S43D-1912, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2008) .

  35. Barruol, G.; F. Fontaine; D. Suetsugu; H. Shiobara; H. Sugioka; S. Tanaka; G. Bokelmann; D. Reymond.  Mantle Flow Beneath French Polynesia Deduced from SKS Splitting and P-Polarization at Island and Ocean Bottom Seismic Stations. Eos, Vol. 90, Number 52,, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI41B-1795, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2009) .

  36. Bonnin, M. ; G. Barruol; G. Bokelmann. SKS Splitting and Upper Mantle Geodynamics Under California. Eos, Vol. 90, Number 52, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S11A-1684, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2009) .

  37. Yoshida, M.; C. Adam; T. Isse; D. Suetsugu; Y. Fukao; G. BarruolSouth Pacific hotspot swells dynamically supported by mantle flows. Eos, Vol. 90, Number 52, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T43D-2150, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2009) .

  38. Wüstefeld, A.; G. Bokelmann; G. Barruol; J. Montagner. Upper Mantle Anisotropy: Correlation Between SKS Measurements and Surface Wave Tomography. Eos, Vol. 90, Number 52, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI41B-1796, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2009) .

  39. M. Bonnin, G. Barruol, and G. Bokelmann, SKS splitting and upper mantle geodynamic under California, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 12, EGU2010-3498, EGU General Assembly, 2010.

  40. C. Adam, M. Yoshida, T. Isse, D. Suetsugu, Y. Fukao, and G. BarruolSouth Pacific hotspot swells dynamically supported by mantle flows, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 12, EGU2010-13826, EGU General Assembly, 2010.

  41. G. Barruol, F.R. Fontaine, D. Suetsugu, H. Shiobara, H. Sugioka, S. Tanaka, G. Bokelmann, and D. Reymond, Mantle Flow Beneath French Polynesia deduced from SKS splitting and P-polarization at on-land and Ocean Bottom Seismic stations, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 12, EGU2010-4894, EGU General Assembly, 2010.

  42. A. Wüstefeld, G. Bokelmann, G. Barruol, and JP Montagner, Upper Mantle Anisotropy: Correlation Between SKS Measurements and Surface Wave Tomography, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 12, EGU2010-4915, EGU General Assembly, 2010. 


  44. V. Mordvinova, A. Treussov, C. Tiberi, G. Barruol, J. Déverchère, A. Deschamps, 2D P-TELESEISMIC TOMOGRAPHY IN SOUTHERN SIBERIA AND MONGOLIA: EVIDENCE FOR UPWELLING MANTLE FLOWS, European Seismological commission, Montpellier, 2010.

  45. Suetsugu, S Tanaka, H Shiobara, H Sugioka, T Kanazawa, Y Fukao, G Barruol, D Reymond, Constraints on the Large Low Shear Velocity Province beneath the Pacific Ocean from joint ocean floor and islands broadband seismic experiments in French Polynesia., Eos, Vol. XX, Number XX, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI21B-1956, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2010). 

  46. J Albaric, G Barruol, J Deverchère, A Deschamps, J Perrot, C Tiberi, R W Ferdinand, C Sue, B Le Gall, C Petit, Insights into initial stages of rifting from seismotectonics and SKS splitting in the North Tanzanian Divergence, Eos, Vol. XX, Number XX, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T31B-2158, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2010).

  47. Barruol, G., F. R. Fontaine . Seismic anisotropy beneath La Réunion hotspot track: plume spreading vs deep mantle convection. Eos, Vol. XX, Number XX, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI21B-2358.AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2012).

  48. Fontaine, F.R. ; G. Barruol; H. Tkalcic; M. Haugmard, . Mapping crustal structure variation beneath the Piton de la Fournaise volcano. Eos, Vol. XX, Number XX, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T31B-2590. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2012).

  49. Sigloch, S.; G. Barruol, . RHUM-RUM investigates La Réunion mantle plume from crust to core. Eos, Vol. XX, Number XX, Fall Meet. Suppl., AbstractDI53A-2362 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (2012).

  50. Sigloch, S.; G. Barruol, . RHUM-RUM investigates La Réunion mantle plume from crust to core,Vol 15, EGU2013-2478, EGU general Assembly, Vienna (2013). 

  51. Fontaine, F.R., Genevieve C. Roult; Laurent Michon; G. BARRUOL; Valérie Ferrazzini; Andrea Di Muro; Dominique Reymond; Aline Peltier; Thomas Staudacher. Understanding the Dynamics of the February-April 2007 Eruptions of the Piton de la Fournaise and the Related Caldera Collapse from a Single Very Broad-band Seismic Station, AGU Fall Meet. Abstract V41B-2784, San Francisco (2013)

  52. BARRUOL, G. ; Emmanuel Cordier; Jerome Bascou; Fabrice R. Fontaine; Benoit Legrésy; Lydie Lescarmontier. Tide-modulated Icequakes in the Mertz Glacier Grounding Area, East Antarctica, AGU Fall Meet. Abstract C51B-0520, San Francisco (2013)

  53. Bascou, J., Bernard Henry, René-Pierre Ménot, Minoru Funaki, and G. Barruol; Influence of partial melting on magnetic fabrics of migmatites: evidence from Paleoproterozoic terrains of Pointe Géologie, Terre Adélie (East Antarctica). abstract EGU2014-14277 EGU general assembly, Vienna, 2014

  54. Fontaine, F.R., Geneviève Roult, Laurent Michon, G. Barruol, Valérie Ferrazzini, Andrea Di Muro, Dominique Reymond, Aline Peltier, and Thomas Staudacher
    Dynamics of the 2007 Eruptions of Piton de la Fournaise and the Related Caldera Collapse from a Single Very Broad-band Seismic Station. Abstrac tEGU2014-7939 EGU general assembly, Vienna, 2014

  55. Davy, C., Barruol, G., Fontaine, F.R., Sigloch, K., Stutzmann, E., Tracking Cyclones in the Southwest Indian Ocean with an Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Network, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2014.

  56. Fontaine, F.R., Barruol, G., Davy, C., Schlindwein, V., Sigloch, K. Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Iles Eparses (Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean), AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2014. 

  57. Stähler, S.C., Wayne Crawford, Guilhem Barruol, Karin Sigloch, and Schmidt-Aursch Mechita, Preliminary performance report of the RHUM-RUM OBS network, EGU2015-12129, EGU Vienna 2015. Report available: Stähler, S. C., Hosseini, K., Sigloch, K., Crawford, W. C., and Barruol,G.: Noise levels at all stations of the RHUM-RUM OBS network, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2932.0803.

  58. Mazzullo, A. ,E. Stutzmann, J.-P. Montagner, G. Barruol, K. Sigloch,S. Maurya, Surface wave Tomography on the Indian Plate under La Réunion Island from RHUM-RUM experiment data, EGU2016-17849, EGU Vienna 2016. 

  59. Scholz, J-R, Barruol, G., Fontaine, F.R., Sigloch, K, Determining Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Orientations from the RHUM-RUM experiment from P-wave and Rayleigh wave polarizations, EGU2016-17327, EGU Vienna 2016.

  60. Tsekhmistrenko, M., K. Sigloch, K. Hosseini, G. Barruol, Finite frequency P-wave traveltime measurements on ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones in the western Indian Ocean, EGU2016-5857, EGU Vienna 2016.

  61. Mazzullo Alessandro, Eleonore Stutzmann, Jean−Paul Montagner, Satish Maurya, Guilhem Barruol, Karin Sigloch, Sergey Kiselev (2016) ; Anisotropic Tomography around La Réunion Island from Rayleigh Waves, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 11-16, S43B-2832 

  62. Fontaine Fabrice R., Genevieve C Roult , Babak Hejrani , Laurent Michon , Guilhem Barruol, Hrvoje Tkalcic, Valerie Ferrazzini (2016) ; Caldera Formation at the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 11-16, V53A-3066 

  63. Gonzalez Alicia, Fabrice R. Fontaine, Arnaud Burtin, Guilhem Barruol, Alain Recking, Jean−Lambert Join, Eric Delcher, (2016) ; Monitoring the Transport of Sediment During Tropical Cyclones From High−frequency Seismic Noise in Two Rivers of La Réunion Island, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 11-16,

  64. Barruol Guilhem, Richard Dreo, Fabrice R. Fontaine, John−Robert Scholz, Karin Sigloch, (2016) ; Ship Noise in the SW Indian Ocean Recorded by Ocean Bottom Seismic and Hydroacoustic Sensors, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 11-16, 

  65. Deen Martha Maria, Eleonore Stutzmann, Wayne C Crawford, Fabrice Ardhuin, Guilhem Barruol, Karin Sigloch, (2016) ; The Earth’s Hum Observed at the Indian Ocean Seafloor, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 11-16,