Vincent Famin
PhD, HDR. Download CV
Associate Professor in structural geology and geochemistry
Laboratoire GéoSciences Réunion - IPGP
Université de la Réunion
15, Avenue René Cassin, CS92003
97744 Saint Denis messagerie cedex 9 La Réunion
phone: +262 (0)262 93 82 04
email: vfamin[at]univ-reunion. fr
Geothermal research
Piton des Neiges, the largest volcano of La Réunion, is inactive since at least 12000 years, and yet shows multiple signs of hydrothermal activity as thermal springs, fumaroles, and secondary mineralization. This hydrothermal activity suggests that the volcano has potential for geothermal exploitation, which may help La Réunion in its urgent need of renewable energy sources.
Our research aims at better understanding of the geology of Piton des Neiges in order to assess its geothermal potential. Of particular importance are the nature and location of the heat source, the fate of fluids circulating through the edifice as well as the temperature reached by these fluids. This research is highly related to the volcano-tectonics of basaltic volcanoes, which is also studied by our team.
The chosen methodology combines structural geology and field hydrogeology with rock and fluid geochemistry (elemental and isotopic) to track the transfert of fluids through the volcano.
Collaborators : Laurent Michon (LGSR), Bertrand Aunday (BRGM Réunion), Pierre Agrinier (IPGP), Françoise Vimeux (IRD).
Funding : Private funding (2014-2015), Université de La Réunion (2016), OMNCG (2017)
Featured publication : Famin, V., Berthod, C., Michon, L., Eychenne, J., Brothelande, E., Mahabot, M.-M., & Chaput, M. (n.d.). Localization of magma injections, hydrothermal alteration, and deformation in a volcanic detachment (Piton des Neiges, La Réunion). Journal of Geodynamics. doi.org
Deformation and intrusive activity of basaltic volcanoes
Most volcanoes undergo gravitational deformation, known as spreading. In the case of basaltic volcanoes spreading has puzzled scientists for decades, because the gentle slopes of the edifices (generally less than 10°) should guaranty their stability. Nevertheless, spreading is observed or inferred on many active basaltic volcanoes, and the driving mechanisms are still a matter of scientific debate.
Our work focuses on the study of internal deformation of basaltic volcanoes, and its relationship with intrusive activity. We take advantage of the unique situation of La Réunion Island that allows the comparison of two volcanoes: Piton de la Fournaise, one of the most active volcanoes on Earth and currently undergoing a deformation of its eastern flank during eruptions; provides insights on active spreading processes. Piton des Neiges, deeply incised by erosion, allows to understand how the internal architecture of the edifice impacts spreading.
Our research showed that spreading of the two volcanoes proceeds by sector collapse. Sector collapse is triggered or enhanced by the repeated injection of sills in the edifices. This mechanism is very different from the spreading of hawaiian volcanoes, thought to be related to the creep of hot cumulates.
Collaborators : Laurent Michon (LGSR), Marie Chaput (Stratagem974), Valérie Cayol (CNRS), Jean-Luc Froger (OPGC), Virginie Pinel (ISTerre)
Featured publication : Chaput, M., Famin, V., & Michon, L. (2014). Deformation of basaltic shield volcanoes under cointrusive stress permutations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(1), 274–301.
Fluid/deformation interactions in accretionary prisms
Accretionary prisms are responsible for the greatest earthquakes on Earth, generally caused by the rupture of major faults in the overriding plate. Forecasting such earthquakes is a long reach, and for the time being it is important to understand the chemical mechanical response of accretionary prisms to the tectonic stress imposed by convergence.
Our research is focused on deciphering the mechano-chemical processes at stake in deformation zones of accretionary prisms. Particular attention is being paid to the budget of pore fluids because the pressure of these fluids potentially has dramatic effects on seismogenesis. We track processes of fluid production and consomption in deforming rocks, put quantitative constraints on these processes, and assess the effect of these fluids on the style of deformation. Our work is concentrated on the fossil accretionary prism of the eastern Japanese, where it is possible to study the nature and repartition of deformation from the accretion front to the most internal zones of the prism.
Collaborators : Hugues Raimbourg (ISTO), Asuka Yamaguchi (University of Tokyo), G. Palazzin (ISTO)
Featured publication : Raimbourg, H., Vacelet, M., Ramboz, C., Famin, V., Augier, R., Palazzin, G., … Kimura, G. (2015). Fluid circulation in the depths of accretionary prisms: An example of the Shimanto Belt, Kyushu, Japan. Tectonophysics, 655, 161–176.
- Directeur du Département des Sciences de la Terre de l'Université de La Réunion depuis 2016.
- Directeur adjoint du Département des Sciences de la Terre de l’Université de La Réunion de 2012 à 2016.
- Responsable de Licence de Sciences de la Terre depuis 2014 (rédaction maquette 2015 – 2019).
- Responsable L2 Sciences de la Terre depuis 2011.
- Membre du Conseil Scientifique du Parc National de La Réunion depuis 2012.
- Membre de Commissions de Recrutement de l’Université de La Réunion depuis 2009.
- Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l’OSU - Réunion depuis 2014.
- Responsable du site entre 2010 et 2014.
Géochimie (L2 Sciences de la Terre)
Connaître la composition chimique et isotopique des différentes enveloppes terrestres, du Noyau à l'Atmosphère, et comprendre les processus à l'origine de cette composition. Comprendre les différents outils d'analyse géochimiques et leurs applications (traçages de réactions chimiques, de fractionnements isotopiques, datations).
Tectonique (L2 Sciences de la Terre)
Reconnaître des structures géologiques de déformation tectonique (failles, stries, foliations, linéations, stratification, plis...) et comprendre leur signification. Savoir mesurer ces structures dans l'espace sur le terrain à l'aide d'une boussole de géologue. Représenter ces structures en projection stéréographique.
Ressources naturelles (L2 Sciences de la Terre)
Savoir utiliser les méthodes sismiques et leur corrélation avec les forages pour la caractérisation des milieux sédimentaires et des gisements d'hydrocarbures. Connaître les différents types de ressources minérales, leur mode de mise en place et leur répartition. Connaître les grandes étapes de l'extraction des roches pour leur utilisation en tant que matériaux de construction.
Ressources naturelles en milieu aquatique (M2 BEST)
Panorama des ressources aquatiques et enjeux en termes d’exploitation ; Les ressources halieutiques ; L’aquaculture et la filière aquacole ; La valorisation chimique des ressources marines ; L’énergie de la mer ; Les biotechnologies marines ; Les ressources minérales et en hydrocarbures ; Visite de terrain : démonstrateur « Energie Thermique des Mers à l’IUT et station aquacole de l’ARDA.
Géotechnique (L2-L3 Génie Civil & Sciences de la Terre)
Savoir prédire le comportement d'un sol ou d'une roche sous l'effet d'une contrainte, et utiliser cette capacité prédictive à quelques ouvrages de géotechnique simples.
Initiation à la Géologie de terrain (L2 Sciences de la Terre)
4 sorties terrain concernant la géologie des massifs volcaniques (Cilaos, Salazie, Piton de la Fournaise), la sédimentologie marine et fluviatile et l’initiation à la cartographie de terrain.
Cartographie de terrain (L3 Sciences de la Terre)
Organiser son travail sur le terrain pour réaliser la cartographie géologique d'une zone d'étude. Représenter en carte des structures géologiques tridimensionnelles. Cette UE est réalisée par groupes d'étudiants en autonomie, avec contrôle régulier par les enseignants. La zone d'étude change chaque année.
33. Raimbourg, H., V. Famin, G. Palazzin, M. Mayoux, L. Jolivet, C. Ramboz, and A. Yamaguchi (2018), Fluid properties and dynamics along the seismogenic plate interface, Geosphere, 14(2), doi:10.1130/GES01504.1.
32. Chaput, M., V. Famin, and L. Michon (2017), Sheet intrusions and deformation of Piton des Neiges, and their implication for the volcano-tectonics of La Réunion, Tectonophysics, 717, 531–546, doi:
31. Raimbourg, H., V. Famin, G. Palazzin, A. Yamaguchi, and R. Augier (2017), Tertiary evolution of the Shimanto belt (Japan): A large-scale collision in Early Miocene, Tectonics, 36, 1–21, doi:10.1002/2017TC004529.
30. Raimbourg, H., Thiéry, R., Vacelet, M., Famin, V., Ramboz, C., Boussafir, M., J.-R. Disnar, J., and Yamaguchi, A. (2017), Organic matter cracking: A source of fluid overpressure in subducting sediments, Tectonophysics, 721, 254–274, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.08.005.
29. Palazzin, G., Raimbourg, H., Famin, V., Jolivet, L., Kusaba, Y., Yamaguchi, A. (2016). Deformation processes at the down-dip limit of the seismogenic zone: The example of Shimanto accretionary complex, Tectonophysics, 687, 28-43.
28. Famin, V., C. Berthod, L. Michon, J. Eychenne, E. Brothelande, M.-M. Mahabot, and M. Chaput (2016), Localization of magma injections, hydrothermal alteration, and deformation in a volcanic detachment (Piton des Neiges, La Réunion), J. Geodynamics, 101, 155-169.
27. Berthod, C., V. Famin, J. Bascou, L. Michon, B. Ildefonse, and P. Monié (2016), Evidence of sheared sills related to flank destabilization in a basaltic volcano, Tectonophysics, 674, 195-209.
26. Froger, J.-L., V. Famin, V. Cayol, A. Augier, L. Michon, and J.-F. Lénat (2015), Time-dependent displacements during and after the April 2007 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise, revealed by interferometric data, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 296, 55-68.
25. Michon, L., V. Ferrazzini, A. Di Muro, N. Villeneuve, and V. Famin (2015), Rift zones and magma plumbing system of Piton de la Fournaise volcano: How do they differ from Hawaii and Etna?, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 303, 112-129.
24. Perinotto, H., J.-L. Schneider, P. Bachèlery, F.-X. Le Bourdonnec, V. Famin, and L. Michon (2015), The extreme mobility of debris avalanches: A new model of transport mechanism, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 8110-8119.
23. Raimbourg, H., M. Vacelet, C. Ramboz, V. Famin, R. Augier, G. Palazzin, A. Yamaguchi, and G. Kimura (2015), Fluid circulation in the depths of accretionary prisms: an example of the Shimanto Belt, Kyushu, Japan, Tectonophysics, 655, 161-176.
22. Famin, V., H. Raimbourg, S. Garcia, N. Bellahsen, Y. Hamada, A.-M. Boullier, O. Fabbri, L. Michon, T. Uchide, T. Ricci, T. Hirono, and K. Kawabata (2014), Stress rotations and the long-term weakness of the Median Tectonic Line and the Rokko-Awaji Segment, Tectonics, 33(10), 1900-1919.
21. Chaput, M., V. Famin, and L. Michon (2014), Deformation of basaltic shield volcanoes under cointrusive stress permutations, J. Geophys. Res., 119(1), 274-301.
20. Cayol, V., T. Catry, L. Michon, M. Chaput, V. Famin, O. Bodart, J. L. Froger, and C. Romagnoli (2014), Sheared sheet intrusions as mechanism for lateral flank displacement on basaltic volcanoes: Applications to Réunion Island volcanoes, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 7607-7635.
19. Chaput, M., V. Pinel, V. Famin, L. Michon, and J.-L. Froger (2014), Cointrusive shear displacement by sill intrusion in a detachment: A numerical approach, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41(6), 1937-1943.
18. Raimbourg, H., R. Augier, V. Famin, L. Gadenne, G. Palazzin, A. Yamaguchi, and G. Kimura (2014), Long-term evolution of an accretionary prism: The case study of the Shimanto Belt, Kyushu, Japan, Tectonics, 33(6), 936-959.
17. Vlastélic, I., G. Menard, A. Gannoun, J. L. Piro, T. Staudacher, and V. Famin (2013), Magma degassing during the April 2007 collapse of Piton de la Fournaise: The record of semi-volatile trace elements (Li, B, Cu, In, Sn, Cd, Re, Tl, Bi), J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 254(0), 94-107.
16. Welsch, B., F. Faure, V. Famin, A. Baronnet, and P. Bachelery (2013), Dendritic Crystallization: A Single Process for all the Textures of Olivine in Basalts ?, J. Petrology, 54(3), 539-574.
15. Michon, L., F. Massin, V. Famin, V. Ferrazzini, and G. Roult (2011), Basaltic calderas: Collapse dynamics, edifice deformation, and variations of magma withdrawal. J. Geophys. Res., 116, B03209, doi: 10.1029/2010jb007636.
14. Famin, V., and L. Michon (2010) Volcano destabilization by magma injections in a detachment. Geology, 38, 219-222.
13. Welsch, B., F. Faure, P. Bachèlery, and V. Famin (2009), Microcrysts record transient convection at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion hotspot), J. Petrology, 50, 2287-2305.
12. Vlastélic, I., C. Deniel, C. Bosq, P. Télouk, P. Boivin, P. Bachèlery, V. Famin, and T. Staudacher, (2009), Pb isotope geochemistry of Piton de la Fournaise historical lavas, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 184, 63-78.
11. Famin, V., B. Welsch, S. Okumura, P. Bachèlery, and S. Nakashima (2009), Three differentiation stages of a single magma at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Reunion hot spot), G-Cubed, 10, doi: 10.1029/2008gc002015.
10. Sulem J., and V. Famin (2009). Thermal decomposition of carbonates in fault zones: slip-weakening and temperature-limiting effects. J. Geophys. Res., 114, B03309, doi:10.1029/2008JB006004.
9. Sulem J., V. Famin, and H. Noda (2009), Correction to "Thermal decomposition of carbonates in fault zones: Slip-weakening and temperature-limiting effects", J. Geophys. Res., 114, B06311, doi:10.1029/2009JB006576.
8. Famin, V., S. Nakashima, A.-M. Boullier, K. Fujimoto, T. Hirono (2008), Earthquakes produce carbon dioxide in crustal faults, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 265, 487-497.
7. Peltier, A., V. Famin, P. Bachèlery, V. Cayol, Y. Fukushima, and T. Staudacher (2008), Cyclic magma storages and transfers at Piton de La Fournaise volcano (La Réunion hotspot) inferred from deformation and geochemical data, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 270, 180-188.
6. Hirono, T., T. Yokohama, Y. Hamada, W. Tanikawa, T. Mishima, M. Ikehara, V. Famin, M. Tanimizu, W. Lin, W. Soh, and S.-R. Song (2008), Correction to "A chemical kinetic approach to estimate dynamic shear stress during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake". Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, doi:10.1029/2007GL032512.
5. Hirono, T., T. Yokohama, Y. Hamada, W. Tanikawa, T. Mishima, M. Ikehara, V. Famin, M. Tanimizu, W. Lin, W. Soh, and S.-R. Song (2007), A chemical kinetic approach to estimate dynamic shear stress during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(19), doi:10.1029/2007gl030743
4. Famin, V., R. Hébert, P. Philippot, and L. Jolivet (2005), Ion probe and fluid inclusion evidence for co-seismic fluid infiltration in a crustal detachment, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 150(3), 354-367.
3. Famin, V., and S. Nakashima (2005), Hydrothermal fluid venting along a seismogenic detachment fault in the Moresby rift (Woodlark basin, Papua New Guinea), G-Cubed, 6(12, Q12003), doi : 10.1029/2005gc001112
2. Famin, V., P. Philippot, L. Jolivet, and P. Agard (2004), Evolution of hydrothermal regime along a crustal shear zone, Tinos Island, Greece, Tectonics, 23(5, TC5004), doi: 10.1029/2003tc001509
1. Famin, V., S. Nakashima, L., Jolivet, L., and P. Philippot (2004), Mobility of metamorphic fluids inferred from infrared microspectroscopy on natural fluid inclusions: the example of Tinos Island, Greece, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 146, 736–749.
10. Froger, J.-L., V. Cayol, and V. Famin (2015), The March–April 2007 Eruptions of Piton de la Fournaise as Recorded by Interferometric Data, in Active Volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean, Eds. P. Bachelery, J.-F. Lenat, A. Di Muro and L. Michon, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 271-286, 428 pp. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31395-0
9. Dezayes, C., J.-M. Baltassat, V. Famin, S. Gentier, S. Bes de Berc, G. Thirard (2015), Compilation des données historiques pour l’évaluation de l’intérêt de la géothermie sur l’île de La Réunion, hors cœur de Parc National. Rapport BRGM/RP-64738-FR, 108 pp.
8. Famin, V. (2010), Incursion de fluides dans une zone de cisaillement ductile: Mécanismes de circulation et implications tectoniques (Tinos, Cyclades, Grèce), Editions Universitaires Européennes, 316 pp. ISBN-13: 978- 6131512735
7. Sulem, J., and V. Famin (2009), Chapter 6 : The effect of mineral decomposition as a mechanism of fault weakening during seismic slip, in : Meso-scale Shear Physics in Earthquake and Landslide Mechanics, Eds. Y. Hatzor, J. Sulem, I. Vardoulakis, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 294 pp, ISBN-13: 978-0415475587.
6. Tobin, H., M. Kinoshita, J. Ashi, S. Lallemant, G. Kimura, E. Screaton, K.T. Moe, H. Masago, D. Curewitz, and the Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists (J. H. Behrmann, T. Byrne, G. Calves, V. Famin, J. Guo, Y. Hashimoto, J. M. Pares, H. Saito, F. Schmidt-Scierhorn, H. Tomaru, M. Underwood, W.-L. Zhu) (2009), NanTroSEIZE Stage 1 expeditions: introduction and synthesis of key results. In Kinoshita, M., Tobin, H., Ashi, J., Kimura, G., Lallemant, S., Screaton, E.J., Curewitz, D., Masago, H., Moe, K.T., and the Expedition 314/ 315/316 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 314/315/316: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.314315316.101.2009.
5. Ashi J., S. Lallemant, H. Masago, and the Expedition 315 Scientists (J. H. Behrmann, T. Byrne, G. Calves, V. Famin, J. Guo, Y. Hashimoto, J. M. Pares, H. Saito, F. Schmidt-Scierhorn, H. Tomaru, M. Underwood, W.-L. Zhu), (2008) NanTroSEIZE Stage 1A: NanTroSEIZE megasplay riser pilot. IODP Preliminary Report 315, doi: 10.2204/
4. Jolivet L., V. Famin, P. Agard, P. Philippot (2008). Au plus profond de la Terre, in: Pour la Science 58, pp. 62-68.
3. Jolivet, L., V. Famin, C. Mehl, T. Parra, C. Aubourg, R. Hébert, and P. Philippot (2004), Strain localization during crustal-scale boudinage to form extensional metamorphic domes in the Aegean Sea, in Gneiss Domes in Orogeny, Eds. D. L. Whitney, C. Teyssier and C. S. Siddoway, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper, 380, Boulder, pp. 185-210. doi: 10.1130/0-8137-2380-9.185
2. Famin, V., and S. Nakashima (2004), Fluid migration in fault zones and the evolution of detachments: The example of Tinos Island (Greece), in Physicochemistry of Water in Geological and Biological Systems - Structures and Properties of Thin Aqueous Films -, Eds. S. Nakashima, C. Spiers, L. Mercury, P. A. Fenter and M. F. Hochella, Jr, Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, pp. 189-209. ISBN: 4946443908, 9784946443909
1. Nakashima, S., S. De Meer, C. Spiers, V. Famin, and T. Hirono (2001), Physicochemical properties of water in grain boundaries -"Hard" water in the deep crust and the origin of earthquakes?, Proc. Int. Symp. on Slip & Flow Processes in and below the Seismogenic Region, Sendai, Japan, 181-188. ID 200921940
44. Berthod, C., L. Michon, V. Famin, J. Bascou, P. Bachèlery (2016), Magma chamber history related to the shield building stage of Piton des Neiges volcano, La Réunion Island, EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April, 2016, Vienna, Austria, p. 12100, EGU2016-12100.
43. Belle P., P. Lachassagne, B. Aunay, V. Famin, J.-L. Join (2016), Hydrogeology of volcanic debris avalanche deposits. AIH congress, 26 – 28 sept 2016, Montpellier, France.
42. Dezayes, C., J.-M. Baltassat, V. Famin, and S. Bes de Berc (2016), Potential interest areas for the development of geothermal energy in La Réunion island, 19 – 23 sept 2016, Strasbourg, France, ID 211.
41. Famin, V., M. Andréani, A.-M. Boullier, H. Raimbourg, and V. Magnin (2014), Deformation-induced diagenesis and microbial activity in the Nankai accretionnary prism, AGU Fall meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, California, T51A-4582.
40. Cayol, V., T. Catry, L. Michon, M. Chaput, V. Famin, O. Bodart, J.-L. Froger, C. Romagnoli (2014), Sheared sheet intrusions as a mechanism for lateral flank displacement on basaltic volcanoes: Applications to Réunion Island volcanoes, AGU Fall meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, California, V11B-4705.
39. Berthod, C., V. Famin, J. Bascou, L. Michon, B. Ildefonse (2014), Debris avalanche triggered by sill intrusions in basaltic volcanoes (Piton des Neiges, La Réunion Island), AGU Fall meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, California, V11B-4706.
38. Michon, L., V. Ferrazzini, A. Di Muro, M. Chaput, V. Famin (2014). Magma paths at Piton de la Fournaise volcano: a synthesis of Hawaiian and Etnean rift zones, EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria, EGU2014-4719.
37. Chaput, M., V. Pinel, V. Famin, and L. Michon (2014), Large-scale sliding induced by sill intrusions at Réunion Island: insights from numerical modeling. EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria, EGU2014-4340.
36. Belle, P. B. Aunay, V. Famin, and J.-L. Join (2014), Evidence of flank failure deposit reactivation in a shield volcano. A favorable context for deep-seated landslide activation (La Réunion Island), EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria, EGU2014-9822.
35. Michon, L., V. Ferrazzini, A. Di Muro, M. Chaput, and V. Famin (2014), Magma paths at Piton de la Fournaise volcano: a synthesis of Hawaiian and Etnean rift zones, EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria, EGU2014-4719.
34. Raimbourg, H., M. Vacelet, C. Ramboz, V. Famin, R. Augier, and G. Palazzin (2014), Fluid circulation in the depth of an accretionary prism : the record of quartz from the Shimanto Belt, Japan. EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria, EGU2014-7049.
33. G. Palazzin, H. Raimbourg, and V. Famin (2014), Fluid circulation and quartz ductile deformation in the depth of accretionary prisms: An integrated cathodoluminescent and Infrared study. EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria, EGU2014-7150.
32. Famin, V., M. Chaput and L. Michon, (2012), A unified model for the deformation of basaltic volcanoes, AGU Chapman conference « Hawaiian volcanoes: from source to surface », 20-24 August 2012, Waikoloa, Hawaii. (Invité)
31. Chaput, M., V. Famin, and L. Michon (2012), Sill zones and stress permutations, an alternative to the Hawaiian model of basaltic volcano deformation, AGU Chapman conference « Hawaiian volcanoes: from source to surface », 20-24 August 2012, Waikoloa, Hawaii.
30. Catry, T., V. Cayol, L. Michon, V. Famin, C. Romagnoli, and M. Chaput (2010), Dyke and sill injections: what mostly trigger volcano flank collapse?. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-7512-1, 2010 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
29. Chaput, M., V. Famin, L. Michon, and T. Catry (2010), Long term dismantling of a basaltic volcano (Piton des Neiges, La Réunion hotspot). Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-7726, 2010 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
28. Chaput, M., V. Famin, L. Michon, and T. Catry (2010), Large-scale destabilization of a basaltic shield volcano (Piton des Neiges volcano, La Réunion Island). IAVCEI Third Workshop on Collapse Calderas, 3rd – 9th Oct. 2010, Saint Louis, La Réunion, p. 76-77.
27. Michon, L., F. Massin, V. Ferrazzini, G. Roult, and V. Famin (2010), Basaltic calderas: Collapse dynamics, edifice deformation and rates of magma withdrawal. IAVCEI Third Workshop on Collapse Calderas, 3rd – 9th Oct. 2010, Saint Louis, La Réunion, p. 15-17.
26. Catry, Th., V. Cayol, L. Michon, M. Chaput, V. Famin, and C. Romagnoli (2010), Co-intrusive shear stress triggers flank collapse on basaltic volcanoes. IAVCEI Third Workshop on Collapse Calderas, 3rd – 9th Oct. 2010, Saint Louis, La Réunion, p. 115-116.
25. Famin, V., and L. Michon (2009), Volcano destabilization by magma injections in a detachment, Workshop of volcano instabilities, 5th Oct. 2010, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (Invité)
24. Sulem, J., and V. Famin (2009), Mineral decomposition during seismic slip: slip-weakening of fault zones and temperature-limiting effects. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2009-6931, 2009 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
23. Famin V., S. Byrdina, T. Ricci, T. Hirono, H. Raimbourg, N. Bellahsen, S. Garcia, K. Kawabata and Y. Hamada (2009), Fault wedges and the exhumation of deformed rocks in crustal strike slip faults, J169-P009, JPGU meeting 2009, Chiba, Japan
22. Famin V., B. Welsch, S. Okumura, P. Bachèlery, and S. Nakashima (2008), Three differenciations of a single magma at La Reunion hotspot. Geophysical Research abstracts Vol. 10, A-1252, 2008 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
21. Welsch, B., F. Faure, P. Bachèlery, and V. Famin (2008), Pre-eruptive dynamics of a fournaisian picrite inferred from olivine morphologies and melt inclusions. Geophysical Research abstracts Vol. 10, A-05914, 2008 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
20. Welsch, B., F. Faure, V. Famin, and P. Bachèlery (2008), Les olivines harrissitiques des picrites fournaisiennes, RST- 2008 10, pp. 8, Nancy, France.
19. Sulem, J., and V. Famin (2008), Thermal decomposition of carbonates and fluid pressurization during seismic slip. Geophysical Research abstracts Vol. 10, A-09599, 2008 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
18. Famin V., H. Raimbourg, A. Kawabata, T. Hirono, N. Bellahsen, S. Garcia, S. Byrdina, and T. Ricci (2008), Pseudotachylyte generation and the dynamics of large-scale crustal faults. RST-2008 10, pp. p17, Nancy, France.
17. Byrne, T., V. Famin, J. C. Lewis, K. Kanagawa, J. H. Behrmann, H. Masago, and IODP Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists (2008), Structural geology of the hanging wall of a seismogenic splay fault -results from Exp 315 to the Nankai Trough, JPGU meeting 2008, Chiba, Japan.
16. Lewis, J. C., T. Byrne, K. Kanagawa, V. Famin, J. H. Behrmann, K. Ujiie, and the IODP Expedition 314/316/316 Scientists (2008), Geometry, Kinematics and Relative Ages of Core-scale Structures from IODP Expeditions 315 and 316: Core, Thin Section and CT-Scan Constraints, paper presented at SEIZE workshop, NSF MARGINS program, Mt. Hood, Oregon.
15. Famin, V., S. Nakashima, A. M. Boullier, K. Fujimoto, and T. Hirono (2007), Big earthquakes produce carbon dioxide in crustal faults, Fluid-assisted rock deformation and tectonics workshop, Ecole Normale Supérieure, April 12th-13th 2007, Paris, France.
14. Famin V., S. Nakashima, A.-M. Boullier, and K. Fujimoto (2007), Frictional exsolution of CO2 : a new slip-weakening mechanism, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, A-05956, 2007 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
13. Famin, V., S. Okumura, A. Peltier, S. Nakashima, P. Bachèlery, and E. Delcher (2006), Two degassing paths in magmas from Reunion hotspot : constraints from melt and fluid inclusions, Geophysical Research abstracts Vol. 8, EGU06-A-00612, 2006 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
12. Mehl, C., F. Gueydan, V. Famin, and L. Jolivet, (2006), Fluid-rock interaction and strain localization at midcrustal depths, Geophysical Research abstracts Vol. 8, EGU06-A-07320, 2006 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
11. Famin, V., and S. Nakashima (2004), Mobility of metamorphic fluids inferred from infrared spectroscopy on natural fluid inclusions: the example of Tinos Island (Cyclades, Greece), Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts.
10. Nakashima, S., V. Famin, and C. Spiers (2004), Distributions of Water in Metamorphosed and Deformed Rocks and Thin Films at Grain Boundaries, Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts.
9. Tiberi, C. S. Leroy,E. d'Acremont, A. Pointu, C. Ebinger, A. Brisbourne, P. Denton, A. Al-Lazki, H. Al-Azri, S. Bin Monshir Bahlaf, C. Brunet, V. Famin, and L. Labrousse (2004), DHOFAR Seismic Experiment: First results to understand the breakup processes in a passive margin context, abstract #T41E-1259, AGU Fall Meeting 2004, San Francisco, California.
8. Masuda, T, S. Nakasmma, V. Famin, and H. Kaneda (2003), Properties of aqueous fluids up to 200°C by ATR-IR spectroscopy, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 13th Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference, 7th – 12th Sept., 2003, 67(18), A276, Kurashiki, Japan
7. Famin, V., L. Jolivet, P. Philippot, and S. Nakashima (2003), Fluid circulation in a detachment fault (Tinos, Cyclades, Greece). Infiltration mechanisms and tectonic implications, Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL), 2nd Aegion Workshop, June 3 – 7, 2003; Archaeological Museum – Aegio, Greece. (Invité)
6. Famin, V., P. Philippot, and L. Jolivet (2002), Effects of fluid infiltration on the thermal regime and the ductile-to- brittle evolution of a major crustal shear zone (Tinos Island, Cyclades, Greece), 18th IMA meeting, p. 216, Edinburgh, England.
5. Masuda, T., S. Nakashima, V. Famin, and H. Kaneda (2002), Possible "soft" nature of S-containing fluids, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 11th Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference, 18th – 23rd Aug. 2002, 66(15A), A491, Davos, Switzerland.
4. Famin, V., P. Philippot, and L. Jolivet (2002), Temperature, origin and amount of fluid flow along a crustal detachment, EGS02-A-03138, EGS XXVII, Nice, France.
3. Famin V., P. Philippot, and L. Jolivet (2001). Fluid-rock interactions at the brittle-ductile transition: Pressure- Temperature-Salinity effects, EUG XI, Journal of Conference Abstracts 6, pp. 281, Cambridge Publications, Strasbourg, France.
2. Jolivet L., V. Famin, P. Philippot , F. Gueydan , Y. Leroy, and T. Parra (2001), The Aegean Extension and the Brittle/Ductile Transition, Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL), Aegion Workshop, Sept. 30 – Oct. 4, 2001; Archaeological Museum – Aegio, Greece.
1. Famin, V., P. Philippot, and L. Jolivet (2000), Nature et rôle des fluides dans la localisation de la déformation, lors de l'exhumation d'un domaine métamorphique, RST 2000, Société Géologique de France, Paris, France.
Thèse Bhavani BENARD (en cours)
Hydrothermalisme du Piton des Neiges
Date de début : Septembre 2016
Co-encadrement V. Famin (50%), B. Aunay (50%)
Thèse Carole BERTHOD (actuellement ATER CRPG-Nancy)
Rôle du complexe intrusif dans la déstabilisation des volcans boucliers : l'exemple du Piton des Neiges (La Réunion). Thèse débutée le 01/01/2013, soutenue le 14/12/2016. Co-encadrement V. Famin (60%), L. Michon (40%)
Résultat : Un article publié par l’étudiante et un par l'encadrant
Thèse Marie CHAPUT (maintenant ingénieure Stratagem974)
Déformation et activité intrusive des volcans bouclier : du terrain à la modélisation. Thèse débutée le 01/10/2009, soutenue le 18/04/2013. Co-encadrement V. Famin (50%), L. Michon (50%).
Résultat : 2 articles publiés par l’étudiante et un par l'encadrant
Master 2 Carole BERTHOD
Age et mécanisme de glissement d’un volcan basaltique sur son réservoir magmatique. Débuté le 01/01/2012, soutenu le 21/06/2012. Co-encadrement P. Monié (40%), V. Famin (30%), J. Bascou (30%).
Master 2 Julia EYCHENNE
Origine et Conséquences de la déformation interne du Piton des Neiges, Ile de La Réunion. Débuté le 01/01/2008, soutenu le 03/07/2008. Co-encadrement V. Famin (60%), L. Michon (40%).
Résultat : Un article publié par l’encadrant
Master 2 Toshio MASUDA
Properties of aqueous fluids up to 200°C by ATR-IR spectroscopy. Débuté le 01/02/2004, soutenu le 05/09/2004. Co-encadrement : S. Nakashima (60%), V. Famin (40%)
Résultats : 2 congrès effectués par l’étudiant
Encadrements de thèse officieux (cf. publications) : A. Peltier (soutenue en 2007) et B. Welsch (soutenue en 2009).